Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

No it was just one, I looked at it. I think I'm just pussin out in my old age.
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 16 2006, 12:39 AM
No it was just one, I looked at it. I think I'm just pussin out in my old age.
Can't wait for that - in 6 months.... <_<
I'ma be 28 in 3 months and one day! :woo: Dude I'm almost 30. :blink:
OK so Nitro's been demoted to middle name, cause my badass kid's gonna be named Fox.
"Fox Nitro..." and let's look at the initials they will go by "FNW" - nice.

So it's been 10 years since HS. Did you go back for your reunion or was a screw-those-assholes type of deal?
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Aug 16 2006, 04:27 AM
"Fox Nitro..." and let's look at the initials they will go by "FNW" - nice.

So it's been 10 years since HS. Did you go back for your reunion or was a screw-those-assholes type of deal?
Oh no my reunion's next year. I'll prolly go just outta curiosity.
I only want to see about 1 person from my graduating class. Oh look I already do. So there's my reunion. <_< I'm totally not interested in revisiting the more over-emotional parts of my teenage years, regardless of who got fat and who got divorced.

edit for my lame spelling mistakes = :(
:lol: :lol:

Wait Seth MacFarlane does VO for Robot Chicken now? Ain't the man busy enough?
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Aug 16 2006, 03:27 AM
"Fox Nitro..." and let's look at the initials they will go by "FNW" - nice.

So it's been 10 years since HS. Did you go back for your reunion or was a screw-those-assholes type of deal?
i wasn't invited to my high school reunion.
Everyone's invited you goober. They mighta just not had your address. My husband's was in June and he never got a formal invitation but when he didn't show up everyone was like DUDE what the hell??
not everyone, according to the high school that i went to, they have no records of me being enrolled, yet i have a high school diploma with the school's name on it.
nobody noticed that i wasn't there, except for my friend who i still talk to.
he mentioned me to people and they couldn't remember me.
sort of, but that doesn't explain why they have no records of me on file and why they gave me a diploma for having enough credits.
i can understand that my classmates wouldn't remember me, i was always mistaken for being one to two grades under.
of course this could explain why i would be counted absent for classes that i showed up for.
Weird. I don't know, they had me on record as graduating in 96, so I have no idea if that ever got sorted out. I didn't walk til 97. Maybe I won't be in the records next year either.
my friend (the one i mentioned earlier) didn't actually graduate until two years after i did (he was supposed to graduate with my class,, but he skipped and failed a few classes) and they invited him.
i guess i was too quiet back then, not like now.