Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by a_iver@May 10 2006, 12:48 AM
#1 i think. garret's a respectable advocate of justice and overall goodity.
That's a funny thing that you just said.
I'm here Sugarplum! And I know it's not quite the same but I can help you get through missing him.

*deep voice* Hey dere I'm Garret dontchaknow and I like dem dere videogames and I drink pahp.
:lol: at the Garret voice. I was looking for the effing Cutting Crew song...*jzzhnds*
Hey dat's ok dere, no need for none of dat 80's crap, come over to my place and listen to 45 minute live songs all night while I level up. :)
Originally posted by dascoot@May 10 2006, 12:10 AM
Hey dat's ok dere, no need for none of dat 80's crap, come over to my place and listen to 45 minute live songs all night while I level up. :)
Yeah, he would never invite me over, but I drove over earlier and waited outside his house. Nuthin happened. He was playing Halo 1.
Ain't that about a bitch? I live with a fella that'd rather play with digital dragons than have his for-real dragon played with. :rolleyes: :lol:
Originally posted by sketchyrx@May 9 2006, 10:04 PM
NOMOREGAMES! It's melting your effing mind.
see above. he didn't like that very much but I really think it's true.
He had a point about trying to change someone into something they're not.. but then you can use that same argument for allowing people to abuse their bodies or get massively obese or engage in criminal activity or what have you. There's a point when loved ones should step in and say "What you're doing is not healthy."

Not saying Garret's got a for-real problem, just speaking on a more personal basis I guess.. :(
Originally posted by dascoot@May 9 2006, 11:26 PM
He had a point about trying to change someone into something they're not.. but then you can use that same argument for allowing people to abuse their bodies or get massively obese or engage in criminal activity or what have you. There's a point when loved ones should step in and say "What you're doing is not healthy."

Not saying Garret's got a for-real problem, just speaking on a more personal basis I guess.. :(
I don't abuse my body, and I weigh 150 lbs so... I do engage in minor criminal activity but come one, who doesn't?

:lol: @ PAHP!!!!!!
Those were three examples of times when family and friends should step in, not three side effects of game addictions. And I already said I was talking about someone else, weiner breath. <_<