Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Have you thought of any names yet? Or did you already post that and I missed it?
:lol: Well, not that it was up for consideration or anything but Bob is definately out of the Question now.
If it's a boy then he shall be named after his father, Sean and his middle name would be Connor and we would just call him by his middle name.

If it's a girl we haven't decided for sure yet. At one point though we were actually thinking Tyler but for a girl because you never see that and we like the name. And Taylor is becoming to common for a girl so that's why we were thinking Tyler. But we haven't decided for sure.
Yeah, and doesn't Sean Connor just sound awesome? :wub: We came up with that name a long time ago and when I told my mother in law about it she got really happy and told me that she actually named Sean after Sean Connery. (spell?)
and the girl names? i still say shana and daphne are great names