Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

No, actually it's really rare here. This year has been completely off the wall because we always hear of wildfires in colorado but this is the first year I've heard of them in Oklahoma. It's very odd. :unsure:
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 9 2006, 01:58 AM
:lol: :lol: Oh my god y'all, do car alarms have a growl setting? I was just downstairs with my dogs and one of em bumped up against this car that I know for a fact has an alarm on it because it goes off at least once a day from, like, a squirrel looking at it wrong. And when she bumped it, IT FREAKIN GROWLED. Sounded just like an animal snarling out a warning. Hahah the look on her face!! :lol: :lol:
i know certain car alarms have recording settings that let you record any phrase or sound to replace default settings.
there's this guy at work that has it on his car.
if you get near it, you hear his voice asking whey you are trying to looking into his car.
:lol: I need one of those for my car.

Something like: Touch my grill again and I'll run over your nosey ass...
he has a few of them on there.
the one when you try to look in goes,"why you tryin' to look into my ride? you better step off."
it was funny at first, but he is always parking next to me and whenever i get into my car, his alarm sensor goes off with that quote.
he has another one that's a saying from some video game game, but i forgot where it's from.
sorry, but neither of those are correct.
thank you for playing.
it's some horror game, maybe nightmare creatures or something?
anyway, he added another one.
if you bump the car, gun fire starts going off.
i think he got it from predator or something.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That's just wrong...poor leone. I think he has it the worst.
Oh yes, I made one of you too Anthony.

Hahah Leone's gonna kill me for perpetuating the Boy Myth some more.