Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 30 2005, 01:11 AM
YEAH! Oooh and one of these and one of these. :)
Present #1 and Present #3 live on the West Side. :shifty: I'll have a harder time tracking down Present #2. Or maybe I can find Number Four instead. :naughty:
NUMBER FOUR! NUMBER FOUR!!!! He's got a place there now don't he?? :)

Number 2 is in France.. *sighh*
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 30 2005, 01:24 AM
NUMBER FOUR! NUMBER FOUR!!!! He's got a place there now don't he?? :)

Number 2 is in France.. *sighh*
Does he now? *stalk, stalk, stalk*

Hey Fitz wanna do me a favor? *hands you a ticket to the French countryside* :P :lol:
:lol: It's for a good cause! Plus you can smack as many froggies as ya want while yer there!
Yeah no kids for me either, most likely.. ok next dog I name Jack! :wub:

I love how he usually does those obscure movies that never really make money.
woot for more puppies! :woo:

I'm trying to think of the first movie I saw him in...
21 Jump Street baby! I wasn't allowed to watch at my house so I'd go over to my friend Pam's and lick her tv screen.
Wow you saw that before Edward Scissorhands? Actually I don't even think I've seen Nick Of Time.