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So, years back, I was playing a video game with my uncle. I cannot remember which game it was and I shall be damned for that.

HOWEVER, I kind of remember a certain character. It was either from Mario or DK or some other game, but it was this character that the game's main character would encounter before he goes on his mission. This character like lived in a boat or on the sea or some damn thing and had a music box or something with a crank of some sort.

Anyway... find it.
Originally posted by a_iver@Aug 24 2005, 01:24 AM
does andy miss his windup music box? :)
Yes, but I am more concerned with the name of this character.

Thanks, though, bud :D
My guess would be Aldrin. But I can try and answer your question. No guarantees though. :P
Ok I am watching Attack of the Clones right now, and I was under the impression that Sifadius (<~sorry for spelling) place the ''order'' for the clone army.
Is Sifadias Liam Nelson? If not who the hell is/was he. Also.. on the thrid Star Wars how did the clone army turn on the jedis? ... can't remember if I've asked that here.. but yea.. I am le confused
im just as big a star wars geek, thank you :)

but to be honest, im not sure of it. well, the clone army was under the rule of palpatine, the people from kamino said the clones follow orders without questioning them, so that covers that....as for who asked them tp be made... :unsure: they say syfo dias but he wouldnt have asked without the order's permission so i think palpatine passed himself for syfo dias........ :unsure: aldrin?
I'm sorry, I didn't realize you were a big fan or I would have mentioned you as well. :)
So syfa dias wasn't Liam?

See I thought he saw this coming and that is why he ordered that army.. but as far as when they turned on him.. i was like WTF?
Originally posted by Enyone@Aug 24 2005, 11:05 AM
Ok I am watching Attack of the Clones right now, and I was under the impression that Sifadius (<~sorry for spelling) place the ''order'' for the clone army.
Is Sifadias Liam Nelson? If not who the hell is/was he. Also.. on the thrid Star Wars how did the clone army turn on the jedis? ... can't remember if I've asked that here.. but yea.. I am le confused
I think he's actually the evil emperor dude but is using a false name to build a secret clone army that can't be traced to him. A secret clone army to fight the Jedi.

I think. :unsure:

P.S. They're all clones of Boba whathisname I think.
Jango.. Boba is the son

Ok not trying to put oyu down or anything.. but Syfa Dias was apparently killed ten years ago.. Obe ONe knew of him...