Oh yay! I found my way here.

I'm Lynda. I like energy and versatility, so I basically strive to be the embodiment of both.
Charles Bukowski, Steve Soderberg, and Lou Reed.
I'm Melissa. I'm mildly retarded and I put mustard on everything. Welcome. *waves hi* :)
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 28 2005, 03:35 PM

Cabbage rose. :)
Yeah, basically. It looks pretty on paper. The kind of word that should have a meaning more. It should be a noun AND an adjective, ya know...like the word "halcyon."
I always did like the word crysanthemum, plus it's my birth flower.
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 28 2005, 03:37 PM
I'm Melissa. I'm mildly retarded and I put mustard on everything. Welcome. *waves hi* :)
OOO, you're brave. I'm too repelled by mustard to even look at it.
Oh!!! Awesome! How wonderfully aleatoric!
When's your birthday, then? Mine's Nov. 27.
The 17th. I'm actually one of those rare souls that filled out my profile. ;)
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 28 2005, 03:45 PM
The 17th. I'm actually one of those rare souls that filled out my profile. ;)
Oh, oh, oh
I'm one of those rare souls who's too cool to read others' profiles.
People say I'm egotystical. :/
Originally posted by easilywow@Aug 28 2005, 07:50 PM
People say I'm egotystical. :/
Aww I wouldn't call you egotystical. Or egotistical either. :P

I'm just one of those creepy stalker types so I'm always checking profiles. :ph34r:
I just realized that two people can share the same sign but have different flowers n stones n stuff. :huh:
Originally posted by dascoot@Aug 28 2005, 07:52 PM
I'm just one of those creepy stalker types so I'm always checking profiles. :ph34r:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Aug 28 2005, 07:52 PM
I just realized that two people can share the same sign but have different flowers n stones n stuff. :huh:
:o And vice versa! My god, what kinda topsy turvy world are we living in?! :blink:

:lol: :wub:

Erika, the profiles that come up when you click people's usernames.