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Free puppy that eats annoying neighbors, what more can a girl ask for? :wub:
How would you even KNOW the fetuses were in there? Did they leave a.. god, a lump or something?
That or maybe she got sick and when the doctors did some tests they found them. :unsure: Good question.
Originally posted by dascoot@Mar 28 2006, 08:19 PM
Yeah true.. I just can't imagine them giving her an x-ray though..

Poor baby. :(
That's what I was wondering. How old do you have to be to get an x-ray or a CAT scan?
Not sure but I'm pretty positive they wouldn't do one on a child under 1. That's here though, there may be different rules about that stuff in other countries. *shrug*
I saw the Bodies exhibit at MOSI and there was a tumor there that they had removed from a woman, cut open, and found teeth and hair and an eyeball inside it. *shiver*