new tunes?


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hey everyone, just looking for some new bands. Anything techno, alternative, classic rock wil do. my favorite bands right now are fatboy slim, pendulum, and The all american rejects... Thx! :ok:
how about, Air, Blur, Cake, The Zutons, Zebrahead, Psapp, Brian Ferry, Blue October, Citizen cope, Diamond Nights, Eagles of Death Metal

or Madrugada, Kenny Wayne Shephard, Muse, Ringeside, Spoon.

enjoy B)
nice list, thx! :D ive heard blur, cake, and Blue october before, and their all great bands, cant wait to listen to the rest!
Anything techno, huh? You definitely need some Paul Van Dyk, Paul Oakenfold, and Moby then.

If you like All American Rejects, what about My Chemical Romance, AFI, The Refreshments, and Panic at the Disco? The Panic album is excellent.
Check out Mew. Particularly a song called "The Zookeepers Boy."

Oh, and Scissor Sister's new single "I Don't Feel Like Dancin'" - dear God it's catchy.

Actually, both of them are too catchy for their own good. :blink:
yea, ur right they were pretty catchy, i like the one by the scissor sisters a lot, thx :ok: