Last Good Movie You Saw

:p Oh yeah. I forgot what a pilar of virtue and gentility Stitch is.
Originally posted by givemfitz@Feb 22 2007, 07:58 PM
:p Oh yeah. I forgot what a pilar of virtue and gentility Stitch is.
That's exactly why it's awesome, it's like the first Disney movie where a mentally disturbed kid and her delinquent buddy are the heroes. The characters are more realistic than any other of their movies, aside from the fact that they're ya know aliens and shit.
You do realize that you're using the same argument to poopoo one Disney movie and praise the other right? :p
How do you figure? I said Lilo was touched in the head and Stitch was a criminal, which made them interesting and realistic to me. And that Timon and Pumbaa bug-eating losers. Which was a joke anyway.
True. Very true. But as good as they are I have to admit that Pixar has won me over.
Originally posted by dascoot@Feb 21 2007, 11:45 AM
I finally saw it. It was nowhere near as cool as I thought it'd be, but it was good. Same with Little Miss Sunshine.
I loved thank you for smoking, that speech he gives in the end is soooo good.
probably already been said but in 2007 see:

Children of Men


Pan's Labyrinth

They quite possibly might be the two best movies released wide in 2007.
I can't bring myself to watch United 93. We had it for 2 weeks and finally returned it today. Soon we'll have The Departed and Half Nelson. I :heart: Ryan Gosling.
Oh, I loved The Departed. I also really liked The Number 23. And Reno 911, even though I rarely ever watch the show, was hilarious.
Originally posted by sketchyrx@Feb 27 2007, 02:36 AM
I can't bring myself to watch United 93. We had it for 2 weeks and finally returned it today. Soon we'll have The Departed and Half Nelson. I :heart: Ryan Gosling.
Yeah, I finally saw United 93 a couple of weeks ago; I left it sitting around for more than a week before I finally got up the nerve to watch it. I don't know if I will ever watch it again, but I'm glad I did at least once. It is quite brilliantly crafted, and fortunately it lacks the sentimentality that tends to mar films of this kind. So while it is quite sad, it is also one of the best pieces of filmmaking of last year.