Kyle XY Season 1


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Did anyone happen to watch tonight's episode? At that kid Declan's party, a song was playing that went something like "turn the fm off, tune into the am" or something like went kind of fast and rocker-ish...if anyone knows what I'm talking about, i'd appreciate it, thanks!
There's a scene when Kyle is listening to this girl playing the piano. It's definitely Pachelbel's Canon in D, but not any version that I've heard of before. I know there must be a million canon versions out there, but does anyone know where I can get this particular variation? Otherwise, it probably wouldn't be too hard to transcribe.
I just got a chance to watch the episode again today. Aah I think I found a new obsession. :)

Well, the only phrases I could pick up from the lyrics were something like "it's the sound that cannot stop" and something with "frequency." I did a lyric search on google but couldn't find anything though. Maybe the song was specifically tailored for the show?
Anybody know? It began with kind of a twangy guitar... somebody knows the one I'm talking about.
Was it at the very end of the episode? 'Cause I'm searching for that one too. I'm trying to find some sort of clip of it so people know what I'm talking about but I don't know.
Have NOT been watching the show, so ...

Somebody over at WTC had a question about a song played on Kyle XY for which they provided some lyrics ...

From that I was able to figure out the song they were looking for ...

I don't know if it possibly could be the same song you're looking for ...

Perhaps, it's ...

Cary Brothers - "Honestly" - CD: All The Rage

CDUniverse sound sample - track 4

Again, I dunno ...
Right or wrong ...
There you go.
Im curious if anyone knows the song that was playing at the very beginning of a new Kyle XY episode. The episode begins with Kyle having a dream about this girl and they are underwater, and it later turns out that she's a lifeguard. The song sounded nice, so can anyone please help me?
Anyone know it?
It sounded like cold play but I don't think it is and I can't find it anywhere.
Something about

We both know we're in over our heads
I meant what I said when I said
Tears are coming down mixing with the rain

THose are just some things that I thought I heard. Anyway any help would be greatly appreciated.
nevermind I'm an idiot. i actually met the guy that sings that song when he's toured with the Fray. Mat kearney - All I want.

Great guy, good music. No wonder it seemed familiar.
Could anyone please tell me the name of the song that was played near the end of the show when Kyle was talking to a nerd type person in glasses on some bench? It sort of sounded like a guitar solo...... Any help much appreciated, thanx!!!!!
I think it's Pillows and Records by Aidan Hawken. The other two songs on the ep are: Hide Another Mistake by The 88 and Along Comes a Smile by The Meligrove Band. Hope I helped!
Kyle XY

forgot exactly what the commercial is about but the song has kind of a james blunt thin going on
i think iots called high some1 reassure me and possibly tell me what commercial its in
thanx in advance
Is that the commercial where they show the whole lineup with Smallville, Gilmore Girls, that new original family drama, and Kyle XY? I could swear it was a girl singing, so maybe I'm thinking of a different commercial.
...on the carousel. It was a slow song by a guy. They only played a small part from it and then it switched to Kyle hearing voices.
Yeah but who and what is the song called, im looking for it too. please someone reply.
I'm DYING FOR IT. haha
could someone give me all the songs that they played on the season finally of kyle xy thanks