iPod Scratch Remover


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Hey, I don't know how many people here have iPods but mine is scratched to hell and I found a nice little article.


It's supposed to work on all iPods, not just nano's :)
Originally posted by a_iver@Sep 28 2005, 12:56 PM
Hey, I don't know how many people here have iPods but mine is scratched to hell and I found a nice little article.


It's supposed to work on all iPods, not just nano's :)
ooh thanks anthony! :D
i've been looking for something like this... i vowed to keep my newest ipod scratchless, so i bought eXo3 skin. it covers everything except the screen, so i cut a transparency sheet to put over the screen. but the stupid transparency scratched the screen! not much, but still it bothers me..

let me know how this works for you, especcially on the plastic side.. :)
nice find, a. :D

awhile back, i watched kevin rose on "screensavers" take a piece of steel wool to the back of his iPod to give it some "texture..." :rolleyes: <_<
:lol: Sounds like... my dad <_< "Here I can just sand it a bit if you want anthony.. the scratches will come right off." Scratched the hell outta the back side :(

No problem guys :)
Really, no products like that should come in a glossy finish. I have a PSP and I'm constantly breathing on it and wiping it off so there aren't any smudges and I always keep it in a case so it wont get scratched.
Originally posted by cultclassic@Sep 29 2005, 03:34 PM
what did i do? :( :rolleyes:
isn't that you people do all day? :unsure:

*hides under table*
Correction: They do that AND make sandwiches all day. ;)
Well to you too Anthony, but I just can't see you demanding sammiches from us.

So now get back under my sink and finish fixing that leak.
