IBM Linux


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This is not exactly a TV ad and I'm sorry for that, but does anyone know what music is used for Track 2 on the following flash ad? (Lower left corner to switch between music tracks)

Sometimes the music doesn't work (if you don't have Flash 7 I'm guessing?). I really enjoy the piece and I'm curious who wrote it, thanks =)

Link: IBM Linux Flash Thingy
Well after searching hi & lo, all that I can find are several sites where people are asking the same question without getting a response. I may actually have to e-mail IBM. Really nice piece! :mellow:

I listened to the sound byte as well, and loved it. I went ahead and emailed IBM about the track. Here's their reply (I got the response quickly and it is nicely personal... points for IBM!):

Hi [gilyan]:

Thank you for expressing your interest in our Linux Flash experience. We
are glad to hear that you enjoyed the music track function. Actually,
those sound bites were recorded special for this one time use and IBM paid
for the exclusive rights.

Have a nice day,
- Sue

So there ya go. Disappointing, but at least you've got an answer.
i dont trust them companys who answer like that, i think they probably answer like that to get us monkeys off their backs.

is it me or does that linux kid look scary? :P
It could be that IBM is just brushing me off.. disappointing either way, though.

Hehe, that kid is sort of cute, except he reminds me of that guy in the movie "Powder."
OOHHH wait! I may have a lead! Remember the thread about the artist Joshua Ralph that did the song for the VW commercial? I checked out his website and read over his bio!



"Due to the popular success of the Volvo campaign, Volkswagen hires J. Ralph
to score their highly coveted Super Bowl commercial. The resulting song, One Million Miles Away, is featured in Shoot Magazine as one of the top ten television commercial scores of 2001. To handle the influx of film and commercial scoring interest J. Ralph forms The Rumor Mill, a commercial, production and scoring entity. Clients include IBM, Coca-Cola, Pepsi Cola, Volkswagen, Intel, Phillips, Universal Studios, K-Mart,, and Advertising Agencies including MVBMS, Ogilvy & Mather, Arnold Worldwide, Grey, Fuel, Bozell, Outside Editorial,
McCann Erickson, and TBWA/Chiat/Day to name a few."

So perhaps this mysterious J.Ralph did the Linux music as well.
yes thats wat my friends said too, but i think he looks like one of my housemates. both have really really blond hair. borderline albino

get this, did any of you watch the superbowl ad with the kids having soap in their mouths? one of the kids is the linux kid, or so i think :P
I didn't recognize him in that one, but didn't Linux or someone have an ad during the game with the same little towhead watching a young Muhammad Ali on tv, then he turns it off and the older Ali is still talking to him?
Yeah that's what I said.. I meant was it the same kid? I only caught the tail end of it.. he looks like a mini Eminem to me.
yea its the same kid. heheee :lol: i suppose he does look like a small eminem. now we need to look at eminem's music videos to see if its the same kid.
maybe they will ask eminem to endorse IBM and linux because of its superior audio technology. can't you just imagine eminem rapping about how cool linux is?

oh wait, probably won't happen, after all linux sucks for audio....
Oh my god, speaking of Eminem (and off the subject, while I'm at it) has anyone seen the 2 magazine covers with Eminem and Jude Law? Can't remember which one's on which, but I was just at 7-11 and saw the mags side by side.. they look like twins in the pictures with their matching booty chins.. :lol:
lol, ack, I had email replied on and just got a flood of emails, but anyway, I emailed IBM yesterday.. and this is in regards to the flash music:

Thank you for expressing your interest in our Linux Flash experience. We are glad to hear that you enjoyed the music track function. Actually, those sound bites were recorded special for this one time use and IBM paid for the exclusive rights.

Have a nice day,
- Sue