How is the Weather in your Area?

Sharpie on the face or shaving cream on the windshield?

Originally posted by leone@Apr 29 2005, 02:13 AM
Sharpie on the face or shaving cream on the windshield?

I'll take the lot. ;)

YES THEY DO Michelle. Let's beat em all up. :)
I don't think I've ever hit another person. Ooooh except my step-brother, I put him through a wall once because he called me the C-word. But he was a total dick back then, he deserved it. :)
blech, that word. :sick: don't blame ya.

i was in the 5th grade when i kicked said boy... i didn't really know any better.
lemme see... we were in the traffic patrol closet -- soooooo totally not doing anything scandalous, we were having an argument about something that 10 year olds fight about. :rolleyes: Anyway, for some reason he got me in a headlock, and so when he wouldn't let me go I kicked him. :lol:
Well then there ya go, he got what he had comin to him. :)

Stupid poopy boys. :angry:
I kissed boys when I was 10 ;)

no I'm kidding, one time my half brother and I got into a fight at the mall over the front seat. We both got grounded for like minute