How is the Weather in your Area?

:lol: There's not enough snow on the ground to get one that good. :(
I was in Boston, Massachusetts, and in four days I experienced five seasons. It was 30, it was 60, it was 90, then it was 12, on the last day there was thunder, there was lightning, and there was snow.. TOGETHER! And I hadn't done drugs, cause when you're lyin' in bed and you hear thunder outside, and you get up to look, you have an expectation. And it's not snow, with lightning behind it. That's fucked up. They don't even write about that weather... in the Bible. I imagine if a Prophet had seen that kind of crap, after he wiped the poop out of his pants, he'd a told us about it! :P
The end of the world must be nigh at hand with a freeky storm like that. So sayeth the Superman geek.
It's freezing, there's ice everywhere, treelimbs falling, people slipping.

And it's awesome!! :lol:

I bet you spend your entire day looking out of the window laughing at the people outside :x
Originally posted by drizzt_fan14@Dec 10 2007, 12:33 PM
It's freezing, there's ice everywhere, treelimbs falling, people slipping.
Got a camera handy? :naughty: