How is the Weather in your Area?

:lol: It's supposed to visit later in the week. :) woot for rain! :woo:
It's hot and stormy here. :woo: It was thundering real loud this morning and woke Connor up and he was crying. I go in there and I'm like, "no Connor storms are great!" and he smiled. :)
So it's sunny right now but the big black clouds are rolling in. My parents just went to an outdoor wedding at the park. So good luck to them! :lol: :ph34r:
Sunny as always here! I teach at a daycare now so I'm stuck outside in the 90 degree weather every day....least I'm getting tan while I sweat.
Originally posted by leone@Jun 18 2006, 12:15 AM
It's 80° and it's freakin' midnight! :!@#$:
Young lady, did't I tell you NOT to sneak out to the equator for a smoke? :angry:
Heeee I'm sleep deprived and slap happy and it's hot as balls outside at 7:45 am!! :woo:
After going to sleep around 4, I woke up at 5:30. Did you know that it's light outside at 5:30? cuz I sure as hell didn't! :blink: