
Reword: I'm glad that 5 years ago I didn't know about the thing that Jerry mentioned.
I just watched the movie "Crash". It was soooo good. Highly reccomended

Originally posted by a_iver@Sep 14 2005, 06:29 PM
did anyone else :blink: :unsure: :rolleyes: :mellow: at the last two pages or was that all me?
Heh :shifty:
Originally posted by givemfitz@Sep 12 2005, 10:05 PM
BTW I happen to think that Nixon was one of the greatest Presidents this country has ever had.
I'm curious, why? :)
I'll get back to you on it. Promise. I wanna catch up on these threads first and even the readers digest version of reasons is lengthy. It'll take me a little while to put it as briefly as I can.

Is that an oxymoron? :lol:
Country Music is ;)

I liked Truman

Oh man the day before yesterday there was a fight at a North Houston school, between LA and houstonians. And some had to be arrested and what not, and they were showing the mothers getting into it. It was sad. The LA mom said ''yOU need a vacation'' while swining her index finger around, and the TX mom said ''Yall need to leave''

Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 14 2005, 07:13 PM
Reword: I'm glad that 5 years ago I didn't know about the thing that Jerry mentioned.
well.. if he wants a job in the organization that i work for, then he had better keep his mouth closed. he can never discuss what goes on.. if he does, well let us just say that i feel very sorry for him.. sorry to be so blunt.
Well then hows about you two go back and edit your previous posts?
Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 15 2005, 12:51 PM
Well then hows about you two go back and edit your previous posts?
he made the statement and i did screw up and admit it, but he had better never do that again.. if he wants to keep his job and possibly his freedom.. again, sorry to be so blunt.
Originally posted by givemfitz+Sep 15 2005, 09:58 AM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (givemfitz @ Sep 15 2005, 09:58 AM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-a_iver@Sep 14 2005, 06:29 PM
did anyone else :blink: :unsure: :rolleyes: :mellow: at the last two pages or was that all me?
Heh :shifty: [/b][/quote]
he is a rookie, but he will learn real fast what to say and not to say..


Yeah, go back and edit your posts. It's not like many people even read your exchange, let alone paid much attention to it. Might as well get rid of it.
Okay, Nixon

Richard Milhouse(hehheh) Nixon inherited a nation in turmoil. When he was inaugurated in 1969 this place was a mess. The only two guys I can think of that maybe had it worse were FDR and Lincoln but I wasn't alive for those presidencies so.*shrug*

There were protests and riots everywhere over Vietnam. Civil Rights was still a big issue. The economy was floundering and stagnant and the wars were still ongoing. Both the hot and the cold. He did a fantastic Job with all of these problems in spite of a Democratic congress and a hostile media. Neither of which really wanted him to succeed at anything.

We got out of Vietnam under his watch which ended the war and the protests. He took us off of the gold standard which was a visionary long term solution to many of our economic problems. He forced integration of our public schools. He started talks with the Soviet Union and as Spock says, "Only Nixon can go to China." ;) In fact he is the one who opened the doors that allowed Reagan to receive so much credit for ending the Cold War.

He did so well in fact that he won his second term by what was then the largest landlide in our history. Of course that election and his Presidency were then both marred by Watergate.

So.....Watergate. Well it was an illadvised attempt to get the edge on an election that was already in the bag. Stupid really. But there has never been any proof and only the vaguest of insinuations that Nixon had anything to do with the breakin or its planning. IMHO that was pretty much the doings of Halderman and Ehrlichman. What Nixon is guilty of is trying to cover it up. Trying to sweep under the rug the crimes of his closest advisors and friends. In my opinion one of the most courageous and suicidal political moves a president has ever made.

How many friends have been sold down the river for the sake of politics? Nixon refused to do what just about any politician would do by instinct. Let his friends fry. Right our wrong he tried to have their backs. A bad move for a politician but definately the kind of man I want in a fight. He didn't cut and run and in the end he went down with them rather than cut them loose. Kinda defines courage if you ask me. He didn't do what was expedient and he paid for it.

Anyway he did this nation and the world proud and the worst thing he can be accused of is an attempt to obstruct justice. A probable misdemeanor that most any first year lawyer could get you or I out of with a fine.

Just my opinion. ;)
dude.. i could not have said it any better.. Nixon was one hell of President.. Kinda reminded me of a younger Kennedy, because other nations feared Kennedy and also Nixon.. nice job.. :D :D
Thanks Fitz, i did not know anything about nixon except what I learned from Forrest Gump :D
Originally posted by cultclassic@Sep 15 2005, 02:23 PM
Thanks Fitz, i did not know anything about nixon except what I learned from Forrest Gump :D
my name is Forrest. Forrest Gump.. people call me Forrest Gump. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by cultclassic+Sep 15 2005, 02:24 PM--></div><table border='0' align='center' width='95%' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='1'><tr><td>QUOTE (cultclassic @ Sep 15 2005, 02:24 PM)</td></tr><tr><td id='QUOTE'> <!--QuoteBegin-goldengloves88@Sep 15 2005, 05:19 PM
reminded me of a younger Kennedy
sure! minus the charisma! :lol: [/b][/quote]
true.. but nations did fear him.. he did not put up with any crap