House Season 2


baby daddy
Reaction score
The song at the end of this episode was "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley (track 6). Also available on .
Personally, I like Rufus Wainwright's version better... but it's still a great song.
The song at the end of the episode is Christina Agulerias (however the heck you spell it) song called "Beautiful"

however, the person singing is a male. I was wondering if anyone knew who did that?
I take that back - I AM helpful after all. LOL After a bit more searching, I found out it was in fact, Elvis Costello singing that cover. Unfortunately, it was recorded specifically for the show...but I don't know if that means it won't be on a cd sometime in the future. There may be a House soundtrack or Costello may put it on his next cd...I also haven't checked any sites like Walmart or Itunes, etc, but it may be available there at some point.
Is this the same song that was playing as the little girl was leaving the hospital and walks up to him and gives him a hug? b/c that song sounded more like a women.

if it is different any help on the song would be appreciated!

Originally posted by jml395@Sep 22 2005, 12:02 PM
Is this the same song that was playing as the little girl was leaving the hospital and walks up to him and gives him a hug? b/c that song sounded more like a women.
Nope, it's not the same song. The song you're loking for is called "In the Deep" by Bird York.

Yep, I should have stated that for people who wanted to also appears in Crash (the movie)
Nearly every episode i watch house the new tv series i hear this piano music playing in the emotional scenes and i cant seem to find it anywhere this is my last resort.

If anyone can find it or post the music titles here it would be awesome :D

Thanks in advance

Mike -- Aussie :blink:
Gonna take a guess here ...

Might it be something by Massive Attack ?

I dunno, but hey ... there you go ...
Anybody know the music they used when they said that there was a preview for the next House coming up.
the part where they do a preview and go to commercial before playing the show. it's just a beat no singing in it.
We can thank the Close Captioning people for providing that.

And of course, leone, for the speedy post. :lol:

I love the show, by the way.