House Season 3

there's a song that played at the end of tonight's episode of House. it was at the end when the boy was leaving and he got up out of the wheelchair. it was kinda slow and it was a woman's voice was somethng lk:

"do you believe, in what you see..."
Hard to pick out as it sounds like it's being played on a radio, but I'm want to know the name of the song playing in the scene where the couple are making out
Does anyone know the title/artist of the song played at the end of the House episode on 2/7/07? It sounded like it could have been called "Do you believe in what you see", was sung by a woman, and was slow and sultry. Thanks so much in advance!!!
Here's what I found on a "House Music" website:


Zero 7 "In The Waiting Line" Simple Things, Track 8 Closing Scenes.
Thank you so much! I will check it out. It definitely sounds like it could be Zero 7.
I remember these songs played but not during which scenes.

Zero 7 - "In The Waiting Line" Amazon

Damien Rice - "Sleep Don't Weep" Amazon
Yes, that song is listed but it's NOT the right song. I listened to it on YouTube and it's no where near similar to what you hear when they are making out in the car.

This is making me crazy. How can Fox have an official message board for House, MD and not keep it up to date?

Thanks in advance to anyone who can help. If you like, I can send you a copy of the episode. I'm not clever enough to cut the bit and post it on YouTube. :blink:
Yeah, the song from the car scene is a little grittier, little faster, way sexier than those songs listed