It's an old song, i believe from the 70's or 80's. The music is mostly a bunch of piano chords, and at one part, it sounds like the singer is yelling "betty, betty, betty, betty" or something like this. If you can read music, there's one part where the singer goes (not singing any words, just the melody):
aa aa
Thats in the treble clef. And more letters means the note is held longer
Other possible lyrics go something like "let you loose" or "outta moves" or something like this, but i'm not sure if i heard it right... It was at a mall and it was very noisy. If you can figure out what song this is, you are a god.
aa aa
Thats in the treble clef. And more letters means the note is held longer

Other possible lyrics go something like "let you loose" or "outta moves" or something like this, but i'm not sure if i heard it right... It was at a mall and it was very noisy. If you can figure out what song this is, you are a god.