Halo 3


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Well... I just watched hte Trailer today, and I must say. I loved the Piano addition to the theme. It sounds more modest for some reason.

Anyway, I need to know what the new song is called, because I simply can't wait.
Dont know about the piano part but im thinking it may just be a slight addition to the original Halo Theme which starts to play right after that ghost lady appears.

Most likely an addaptation for the Halo 3 Theme.
The ghost lady is cortana, and it's an adaptation of the halo theme done for halo 3.
Yes and no. Yes it is an adaption, but it is an entirely new piece entitled "Finish the Fight." Search for that on ITunes, you can purchase it for 99 cents, and then you can convert the music to the appropriate format for use outside of ITunes with QTFairUse, and then JHymn.
is it even a score/song?

all i know is that i like it and i wouldnt mind to use it for a "Salute To Halo 2" webpage my friend has.

if anyone knows, make sure its the right one...i have VERY little space on my comp (under 50MB!) and dont have sound (i download*LEGALLY* and burn it to cd/put it on my mp3 player to listen)

heres the youtube link:
Link to video

Can anybody identify this string piece? Sounds like either a fiddle or maybe a violin... very Ken Burns Civil War documentary feel to it. Be aware that this piece could be a custom job for the video, possibly even an original tune by Marty O'Donnell (Halo's soundtrack creator) himself. Something about it seems old and pre-existing, though.

Thanks for your help!
I'm certain that the piano music on halo3.com/believe and the diorama commercial (both short and extended versions) is "The Raindrop" by Chopin. Not sure if it's OK to post a link to it, but there are plenty of recordings of it to be found on Google.

The piece I'm wondering about, though, is completely different. It's the violin/fiddle tune that plays during the "Making of" video (also called "Monument") that I mentioned above. Anybody recognize it?
Thank you very much Jordan. Sorry but I don't know the song your looking for.
Odd commercial showing a figurine layout of a huge battle, apparently taken from the Halo 3 storyline. Beautiful classical piano track playing in the background. Anyone know it?
I heard that it was Frédéric Chopin's "Raindrop Prelude", but I searched iTunes, and that track wasn't available by him. And the other artists' recreations didn't sound anything like it. Good luck!
RE: the piano piece - I've always known it as "Raindrops" by Chopin but the most accurate title is actually "Op. 28, CT. 166-189 No. 15 in D flat major" - a search at iTunes just using "raindrops chopin" returned 75 results :mellow: