From the Radio


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I can't remember anything which is frustrating cause I've heard this song like twice in the last week and I really like it! It has something about champions and it was played on Rock 101. It wasn't Queens song. It is also got quite a good rhythem, like catchy and kind of quick. I know this is nothing to go on but please help if you can! Suggestions appreciated!

No, that's not it. It's lighter than that maybe from the 80's? It also had some trumpet-y noise if that helps.
I don't remember what day it was.
It had trumpets and something about triumph/champions?
This is getting kinda frustrating.
It's not heavy rock, it could almost be pop cause it's quite light, the only reason that I said it was rock was because it was on a station called Rock 101.
Any more suggestions? Please help if you have any ideas!
Did you notice the website lists the playlist for that day and the time each song played? If you happen to listen to this radio station alot; keep listening and pay attention to when this song plays and then check out the playlist online to identify the song.