Radio: Family Plots


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Anybody know anything about the music used in the radio ad for Family Plots on E? It was jazzy, prominent clarinet and horns with a new orleans kind of sound to it.
The song used in tv ads is Hell by the Squirrel Nut Zippers. Is this the same one you're looking for?
yeah that HAS to be the same song...

oh man i used to love that band so much.
I saw them perform at a music festival several years ago. They were pretty fun!
heyyy do you remember the "swing craze" revival? that fizzled out pretty fast. what a pity. i loved the music...but too many gap ads were pumping the louis prima~! <_< :P
Zoot suit riot! RIOT!

Yeah, that whole swing thing was huge during college -- all the kids were taking swing lessons. I never got into the dancing, but I really liked the music.
That song was off the hook..

I was so into the swing thing and was wanting to take the dance lessons and then one day I was like.. hey wait, where'd it go?

By the way is it just me or were all them pierced and tattooed guys really hot in Swinger style clothes? I loved that look..
Yeah that and the oxford shoes with jeans and the chain wallets.. pork pie hats.. eyebrow rings.. I loved that look. :wub:
Did you see Swingers? That guy, what was his name... The character named Sue, he was hot in that movie.
Patrick Van Horn, yeah he was a cutie.. but I love Ron Livingston. And of course Vince Vaughn. My husband is actually jealous of my love for Vince Vaughn.
Originally posted by dascoot@Apr 20 2004, 08:58 AM

By the way is it just me or were all them pierced and tattooed guys really hot in Swinger style clothes? I loved that look..
ohmygod.....i die for those guys. ***swoooooooon*** i like the boys with the cute glasses.