Free MP3 Music Downloads


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Hey I have a few sites that have free, legal mp3's. None of them require a subscription or anything. So here goes:

Epitonic - Huge. They have a ton of them. Might need to create a login though, I don't remember
Kahvi - Not mp3's, they're ogg's. You need a special piece of software to play em. I just use "Amadeus II" to convert em to mp3
KracFive They only have a few and they kinda suck a little. But they come out with a new one every month and every once in a while they'll come out with a good one. Their Iron Chef link does however have some goodies, you just have to do a little digging.
Darla or Darla's Index
StaticBeats - need to create login, but they have a few records
Intr_Version Records

Let me know if you got any.
Ooh ooh!

Just found two new ones


Edit: PS. I know a good chunk of these aren't very good (at least in my opinion) but there's some good ones too.

Found this site a month ago... excellent source for rare music of all kinds. (Especially electronic and indie pop & rock).

They promote music by giving free, totally legal songs from the artists on the basis that if you like one song, you might go and buy the album. Many big name artists (Carl Cox, Danny Tenaglia, Paul Oakenfold, Beck, etc. ) have put songs on there! has the intent of bringing recognition to those who quietly craft in their corners of the world new species of voices that multiply rapidly and deliver music feverishly. With the speed of wires and light, we seek to worldcast this music that is being assembled and sculpted as we speak. A democratized system of patronage, the Internet and endeavors such as this allow people searching for like-minds, strange beings, or just hypersonic rhythms, a meeting place on the cobblestone streets of that elusive global village.

At Epitonic, we work with the record labels (mostly small, independent ones that are not involved with the RIAA or their law suits) to promote their music. They send us CDs and we review them. They sign a contract that says we are allowed to post a track or two for you to download. Sometimes they specify that we are only able to post tracks (or sometimes entire albums) for streaming only.

When you download music from, it's yours. It's the same as if you bought that song. You can copy it for your personal use, you can burn a CD of it. If you want to give it to a friend, you should tell them to come to and download it themselves.

You do not have the right to use the music commercially or to distribute it yourself. You can use it for school projects. These are rights that you have with any music you purchase. They are called "fair use".

MP3 is not a crime. Downloading music is not a crime. Sharing music is illegal, and we don't condone it. Ultimately, every artist deserves to get paid for their music if people enjoy it. Our hope here at Epitonic is that if you use our site to discover new bands, that you'll go out and support them and buy their CDs and go to their shows.

Enjoy your free music. :D :peace:
Hey I love Epitonic, I found one song I've been looking for for awhile, and I found some new groups, too! Cool :D
Found a free cd download hiding on n5md. Click download. :)


My favorites are:

vesna-alaska (Highly recommended)
JVOX - The Window
Tim Koch - opfunk
Proem - 7 Stitches
Keef Baker - Worm Pain

In that order. Really you should listen
No problem :)

- this isn't a free mp3 site but you can hear some full length songs made by the same people on the n5 myspace ;)

And yeah Tim Koch makes some really good stuff. His Ilkae remix is absolutely gorgeous. And he also has some free mp3's on epitonic.


and if you spend some time digging around there ^ you'll also find some songs he used to make under the name of Thug

Haha and while I'm at it.. ML (the guys who made butter em up buck) has some free downloads too.. i'm not sure if i posted this or not.


Librarian is by far my favorite ML song of all time, and luckily it's also a free download ^ ^_^

Ha ha that should keep you busy for a while :P
This link. Scroll to the bottom and there's a gray bar, over on the right side of the bar is where I found it.