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Since us regulars put up with so many non-descript questions around here, I figured we're allowed to ask the same every now and again. I'm having a major brain fart on this one. There's this song, and for the life of me I can't remember the name, band or most (ok, honestly, any) of the lyrics... :lol: It's not a new song, but I'm not sure how long it's been around either. (edited to add that it's probably been in the past 5 years or so since I first heard it) (Could I be any more generic?)

The song... I'd describe it as alterna-rock or maybe indie-rock. The part I remember (chorus?) starts off being backed by these strong "plucks" at the guitar chords, all distinctive and separate, followed/joined by a drum beat. The man's voice singing isn't really singing, more talking... and he says something to the effect of: "... like a rabbit" -- except I don't think he's actually saying "rabbit," I think it's some animal type. :rolleyes: Anyway, the most distinctive part of the song I remember is right after he says that he howls... "Owwwww"

So, there you go. Any ideas?
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

OH, how I wish I could tell you to :usesearch: and point you somewhere.

Sorry, Michelle, I have no clue. :(
Thanks for the suggestion, Kahu... Not it though. :(

The song I'm after, I should have pointed out, is probably from the past 5 years, at least.

And, Mram... yeah... that placard needs to read: "Long Shot" :P
maybe you can remember some other lyrics or something else later on.
when he howls, does he howl like a wolf? or just kinda shout owww?
also, do the lyrics end with like a rabbit or is there something after rabbit?
Originally posted by michelle@Jul 7 2004, 02:10 AM

And, Mram... yeah... that placard needs to read: "Long Shot" :P
Can you not make your own smilies? I think that would be a good one.
Originally posted by Kahu@Jul 6 2004, 11:31 PM
maybe you can remember some other lyrics or something else later on.
when he howls, does he howl like a wolf? or just kinda shout owww?
also, do the lyrics end with like a rabbit or is there something after rabbit?
howling like a wolf would howl. :)

okay, now i'm remember something...

i think the guy is describing a woman's body. the woman's legs, and instead of rabbit maybe he's saying "like a planet" -- wow, this song is sounding more stupid as i go! :lol:
The only song I can find with the lyrics "like a planet" is called Life's a Gas by T-Rex. :unsure:

I am probably way off, but try it anyway.
hmmm. Cant find anything with "like a planet" that is describing a womans body. Keep the info comin. hehe
Right now the only song that I can remember that describes a woman's body is "Your Body is a Wonderland" by John Mayer.

But I don't remember any howling in it so it is probably wrong.
Definitely not John Mayer, I'd recognize him... and this song is older than that.

The T-Rex song isn't it either... My song is more talking with some music, rather than singing.

I want to say even that the part I remember is "I wanna walk..." "like a planet/rabbit/something"

The whole reason I'm asking about this song, is that I came across this Interpol song that sounds kind of similar to the opening guitar part I'm trying to describe... and it's driving me crazy that I can't remember the mystery song's name.

So, I'm working on uploading a sample from the Interpol song... Maybe that will help :unsure:
yay for interpol!!! :lol: and i am stumped by this one as well...i'm gonna ask some friends
So, here's an audio sample to listen to. It's just under 200 K, so pretty short/small.

[song sample link removed, since we figured this out!] (right click/save as)

This sample sounds kind of like the guitar part from my mystery song. The notes are different, but it's the same kind of guitar sound and rhythm.

Thanks for humoring me on this one, guys. :)

Edit to add: Now file is in MP3 form.
It didn't work for me, Michelle. The filename doesn't even have an extension.
i added the download back into my message as an MP3 file.
I'm throwin' in my towel.

Sorry, Michelle. I have no clue. :(
hmm. Was it a semi popular song played on the radio?