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Ok...since Andy decided to post that very randon discussion post...i was wondering who in here is cut, as in circumcized...hehe

I for one, am a football player. I've got a helmet...I'm always in the game.
I was snipped. :( My mama regrets it... but what are ya gonna do?
it's about being snipped man...don't want to be an elephant trunk all ur life, do you?
Originally posted by ALDR123456789N@Aug 11 2005, 07:57 PM
it's about being snipped man...don't want to be an elephant trunk all ur life, do you?
Yeah but unsnipped provides the best sexual pleasure.
hey hey hey...that could be solved with a little help from mr. lube...and i don't mean the gas station
Originally posted by ALDR123456789N@Aug 11 2005, 08:00 PM
hey hey hey...that could be solved with a little help from mr. lube...and i don't mean the gas station
Originally posted by Andy
Yeah but unsnipped provides the best sexual pleasure.

Says who? How can anyone even know since they can only compare with what they have? How can they even tell if two people the same experience the same thing. I've always heard it was the other way around but scoffed for the same reasons. *shrugs*
And if you're going to hold up guys that have the procedure as an adult for examples........don't. I imagine a reversal would do the same thing after puberty if such a thing is possible.
i was snipped when i was a wittle i had no's all good
Yeah it's all good. I'm just saying how does anyone know one way is better than another since 99% of us have it done as babies. My point is that any surgery on that part of your body after puberty is bound to produce a loss of sensation. So I wouldn't go by the word of those who have it done as adults since a reversal would probably produce the same results. Being major surgery and all. ;)
Originally posted by givemfitz@Aug 11 2005, 08:28 PM
Yeah it's all good. I'm just saying how does anyone know one way is better than another since 99% of us have it done as babies. My point is that any surgery on that part of your body after puberty is bound to produce a loss of sensation. So I wouldn't go by the word of those who have it done as adults since a reversal would probably produce the same results. Being major surgery and all. ;)
I totally agree. I guess I should have been more clear in that I have only "heard" that...
Originally posted by Enyone@Aug 11 2005, 05:37 PM
There's a difference.... :ph34r:
Unlessyou speaking for how each feels to women your opinion is meaningless. :lol: :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by Erika
Fitz do you have a vagina?

I think we're talking about which way feels better for men. Do you have a penis? :P
As far as which way is better for women I've heard votes for both sides which leads me to believe it's a matter of preference. ;)
Of course that's all just conjecture from years of experience. *shrugs*
Originally posted by ALDR123456789N@Aug 11 2005, 05:47 PM
i wonder what women prefer...probably don't care...right? right?
I wonder how many will check in and vote? :lol: :lol: :lol: