ESPN 25 Commercial


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Hi there,

I need some help with the music for the new ESPN 25 years commercial. I searched the forum and there doesn't seem to be a thread on this, so Ifigured I'd ask. It's an instrumental piece. I know the commercial features a part advertising the show "Who's #1" with Stuart Scott and there is a clip of Mary Lou Retton at one point. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I've seen the ad, but don't recognize the tune. Is the ad up at ESPN's site anywhere?
I have checked the ESPN 25 Website. They have some commercials the ones featuring fans and normal people) but they don't have the one that we're looking for.

the ad i keep seeing is some orchestral music. it's not an upbeat song or anything... but maybe i'm seeing a different one. :unsure:

an audio sample of the gary glitter song is in the link.
Finally someone's talking about something I know a little about. I believe that there has been three commercials on the ESPN channel "Season of the Fan". Where they have a bunch of fans from all over the place supporting there teams.

From the three I have seen the songs are:

1."Rock and Roll Part Two" By: Gary Glitter

2. "We are the Champions" (Midi file) By: Queen

3."We are a Family" (Midi file) By: I don't know
hey, i listened two all 3 of thoes songs, and thoes defineatly were not the song. im not sure if youre talking about the same commercial as i am, but the tune i heard was no famous song, more of a dramatic song. hard to explain it, the part of the song in the commercial sounds like the same thing repeated over but it changes slightly. hope that made sense to anyone.
the commercial in question is the "then and now" on right? if so i want the answer as well
Originally posted by GriMx@Jun 3 2004, 05:02 PM
hey, i listened two all 3 of thoes songs, and thoes defineatly were not the song. im not sure if youre talking about the same commercial as i am, but the tune i heard was no famous song, more of a dramatic song. hard to explain it, the part of the song in the commercial sounds like the same thing repeated over but it changes slightly. hope that made sense to anyone.
grimx> can you sing it ? :P
Okay, the commercial i am talking about, the one i originally posted about, is not the season of the fan spots with people in them. those are on the website and the songs are pretty obvious (we are the champions, rock and roll part 2, we are family) and known to sports fans everywhere. the one we are looking for has an instrumental score and doesn't feature just people celebratying sports. it is a commercial specifically advertising shows that are part of ESPN's 25th anniversary celebration. The commercial is NOT on their website (at least not as of right now). Hope this clears things up... all except the identity of the song, of course, which I am still looking for.

run, that's the one i've seen too. have you tried contacting ESPN customer service ?
No, michelle, I have yet to do that. i will investigate that today. Thanks for your help.

yes, i just saw it- its an instrumental and the commerical is for the 'then and now' show thats part of the 25 years aniv.
The commercial shows quick exerpts of potential entries in the 100 best moments of sports over the past 25 years. I only saw it once but it had the famous college football game when the band runs onto the field early, thinking their team has won but with one play left a player on the other team runs in for a touchdown, trambling some of the band members. It also showed a tenis player hitting a ball back between his legs.

Melody of the music is 3 eigth notes repeated, hovering around the same pitch range, but changing keys. Heavy emphasis placed on the 1st note of the triplet.

I need to hear it again, but thought the first triplet was C#, D, E (on piano)
I've seen this ad numerous times between ESPN and MTV... although, the version I've seen has various sports moments, including Mary Lou Rhetton (spelling?), that gymnast, at the very end of the ad. The tag lines during the ad are just the names of different shows and their hosts... Ending with ESPN25 (kind of an anniversary ad for the network, I suppose). Anyway... Sounds like the same song as you're describing Actuarial -- some piano notes being repeated over a high energy (not techno or dance) orchestral melody.
we've already established that its from the 'then and now' commercial, and the actual show will be airing tuesday the 8th.
now we need the name of the song...
The point I was trying to make is that there are two different versions of the "Then and Now" ad, both using the same music. One ends with Tiger Woods, the other with Mary Lou Rhetton. Just to avoid any (further) confusion.
all these people interested in it (-400views ) and no answer? komman