Crest White Strips


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Anyone know who is singing I'll Be Home For Christmas in the Crest White Strips commercial?
sorry for the delay, but I tried searching and found nothing; any idea who sang that version with the lady on the train reuniting with family?
I just saw the ad for the first time. Scanning about the web, one name that turns up is Ben Taylor, but I haven't been able to find the tune with Taylor as the artist. Perhaps he did a cameo on someone else's CD.
Did you ever figure it out? I just saw the ad for the first time, and have come up empty. One web search turned up Ben Taylor as a possibility, but I'm unfamiliar with his music and couldn't find the tune by him on either Amazon or iTunes.
Crest White Strips is running a seasonal commercial featuring a beautiful young woman riding a train, presumably heading home for Christmas. Someone's singing "I'll Be Home For Christmas" in the background. Who could it be? Ben Taylor? John Mayer? Carly Simon?
I am pretty sure it is Bryan White (country star in the 90's)...If you check out his website it has his christmas music on it....I used to listen to it alot during the holidays...