Chrysler line-up


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Anyone know the song? sounds like it has violins, and I like the tune.Van commercial.
Actually, it was describing all the new Chrysler vehicles. anybody know the tune? It is an instumental.
damn ... i'm searching for that same song also /// with the violins ... // ... does anybody know the name of it? // the commercial starts with a window rolling down, that’s when you hear the violins, then i think there is a car driving by the sea ... then it's raining and there’s another car driving by … /// (actually the commercial shows the complete line of Chrysler cars) ... anyway /// please, anybody /// if you know witch song I’m telling you about please let me now /// … thanks!
Well it doesn’t have any lyrics, at the beginning of the commercial you hear some tripy violins .. they sound something like >> tururuturututuuuuu /// something like that … that’s when a window starts rolling down and you start seeing all the cars // the song is a bit lounge // … and at the end you hear the violins again an a window rolls up … // but I guess you don’t know witch song I’m telling you about … I mean, you can’t miss those violins, they sound so cool …
The only group that comes to mind with violins as catchy as everyone is talking about is Nickel Creek. Probably a false lead though. Sure wish that I could hear it.
nope . not it// ... that commercial ... i see it all the time when i flick on my tv ... 5 mins later it's there // thanks anyway ... // (turn on your tv ... maybe you'll see it )
try Jean Luc-Ponty. He is a electric violinist...ive been trying to figure out this song cause its so good and the first artist that comes to mind is Ponty...i mean, this song sounds JUST like him. So do some research and tell me if u find any songs that fit this...
Hey that relates to what I was looking for as well. It ( the song) is featured on most of the Chrysler commercials, mostly vans or SUV's though. The Chrysler website is not at all helpful. If I find something, I will let y'all know!!!!
Happy Easter everyone!!!
I imagine this music was made specifically for the commercial. It is a cool sounding tune. Thanks to everyone for helping/looking. Let's see if we can find out what it is.
It seems as though we have run out of leads. I haven't heard the commerical in a while, either. Anybody else have anything?
I think this has been asked before, but I need to know! The music from the new Chrysler commercial is soooooooo great. It's instrumental, kind of jazzy, and just really cool. Does anyone have any idea?
Originally posted by soundofsettling@Apr 16 2004, 12:45 AM
I think this has been asked before, but I need to know! The music from the new Chrysler commercial is soooooooo great. It's instrumental, kind of jazzy, and just really cool. Does anyone have any idea?
;) Nobody here knows what this song is. I have asked before about it.
I know exactly the commercial and the music, and I myself have been looking everywhere on the web to find out about it. The reason being that I'm convinced that the music is by an electrical violinist by the name of Vanessa Mae, maybe you'll have better luck researching it and finding out whether it's actually her music or not.
I don't know if it's her. I do know one thing for sure. I hear the commercial everyday at least once. The music is not very long.