Chevrolet Cobalt "Johnny"

I am trying to figure out what the song is in this one chevrolet cobalt commercial where the guy (i think his name is johnny) with the cobalt is sitting in the car with two of his friends and they turn up this song while sitting in his car, please help me figure out what this song is called!
Hey, does anyone know that song from the Chevy Aveo commercial? It's playing on the radio while Johnny "drives safely" with the music cranked low. It's like girls rapping, I think. I hope somebody knows what it is, because I love that song :]
This has been answered here already ... a couple of times ...

Fannypack - "Hey Mami"

There you go.
heyy i was wonderinf if anyone knows that song in the chevy colbalt commercial... when these guy's are sitting in the car.. but he wont let his other friend in because he has food or something.. and the music is in the background.. it's like really upbeat and dance type.. and a girl's singing..
If it's the same ad I've heard of ... (have NOT seen it) ...

The music is ...

Fannypack - "Hey Mami"

There you go.
You're welcome! B) (However, the REAL thanks goes to the good folks here who came up with the answer first!)
Does anyone know the song that plays at the end of the commercial ... it sounds like elevator music !!
Does anyone know that song in the cobalt commercial when Johnny plays that song in the car and the guy in the back seat says turn it up but Johnny says he can't because he has to focus on the road. So what is that song that they play inside the car. (also that commercial was featuring the cobalt 7 sound system)

Eager to find out!
This was already answered here ...

Fanny Pack - "Hey Mami"

There you go.