Celebrity Sightings

"old uni" :lol: ....yeah I never found him attractive AT ALL but hes actually strikingly good looking in person. He kept catching me looking at him, I bet he thought I was stalking him. :huh:
Yeah that's weird, people on tv that you think are only moderately good looking would still be the sexiest person in the room in real life.
Yeah? I got a fucked up grill, does that mean I got whooped on by the Ugly Stick? :(
Yeah my mug's in The Big Book Of English Smiles.

Naw I'm playing, but I have a gap in my teeth.
Well yeah, that's true, I got a few more years for the mummification to be complete.
You're good. :lol: My birthday's on my profile, ya silly goose. I'm 21.