BONO!! :wub: :wub:
I had a friend in high school who's cousin supposedly had an affair with Bono (in my heart I don't wanna believe it) and she has a answering machine message where he's telling her to call him. I never heard it though.
I saw
Lindsey from MMC (circa 1990-ish) at a mall in Orlando. (Hey, y'all remember The Party??)
I saw Hulk Hogan once at a restaurant in Seminole, FL, near where he lives. My grandma was actually the one who pointed him out to us.
I saw Stevie Wonder surrounded by an entourage a few years ago at Downtown Disney.
This one time when I was 15 my family was at a natural springs park in Orlando and I was playing with my baby brother when this fleet of helicopters flew overhead and landed in the park.. come to find out it was Vice President (at the time) Gore giving a speech right there at the springs. At the time I didn't have even the tiniest interest in politics so I have no clue what he said, but I remember shying away when he was walking around shaking everyone's hands. I think my plan was to look too cool to pump hands with a politician, but he looked at me and smiled and held out his hand, so I took it. And he looked right into my eyes and shook it, saying "I'd like to thank you for taking the time to listen." He has blond eyelashes. I really liked him a lot..
When I was in high school I was friends with a really sweet girl named Julia Coulmas, who is a professional opera singer with this.. *MIND BLOWING* voice. Whenever our chorus group would travel to Disney or Sea World or Six Flags or wherever all, we'd sometimes run around going "Oh my god isn't that Julia Coulmas, the famous opera singer??" and point to her, and folks'd run over and ask for her autograph.