Bell Canada "Frames"


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Hello, I'm new here.

I already tried doing a search for "Bell" and got many different threads, but they were all talking about the Bell Olympic Commercial, which is not what I wanted.
There is a new commercial out from Bell, and it features people holding pictures of people that are holding a phone, etc. The camera first starts showing you someone holding a picture frame, and then it zooms out continuously, and each time you see someone who is holding another picture or phone, and that zooms out.. I noticed that in one picture, it shows this girl holding some kind of Samsung phone, and that had a picture of someone else on it. Anyway, the song is some kind of piano thing.. The commercial ends with the Bell logo/words on a white screen, and underneath it are their different affiliations that are flashing : Express Vu, Mobility etc.. I couldn't get all the information because I was washing the dishes but umm yeah.. this is my second time seeing it, and I was wondering if anybody knew the piano song that they had used?

(Oh and I'm from Canada, so I'm not sure if it plays down in the US).

Thanks in advance,
you know that Bell commercial? where everyone is in a tv, and the person holding a tv is in a tv, etc.

that piano tune is beautiful does it exist? or is it just a tune that bell made up? if its real could someone tell me what it is?
The majority of us are in the US, but there are some helpful Canadian members who can help you probably. It just may take a few days...
I may have an idea.
Since I'm from Québec, we get French movies.
I believe the song comes from the soundtrack of the movie Amélie Poulain and it's called Comptine d'un autre été by the composer Yann Thiersen.
Now, it may not be that exact song but the one you're talking about ressembles alot what Yann Thiersen does which are piano melodies.

Let me know.....
No It's not Yann Tiersen altough it really sound like his music. I Have the soundtrack of Amile Poulin and it's not on it. I also listened EVERY songs that came out of Yann Tiersen on his website and didn't find it. I too thought that it was Yann Tiersen but it seems that it's not. This song does indeed Kick ass so I think we have to keep on searching.
It does sound a lot like Comptine d'un autre ete. I'm not a pianist but it sounds like the bell commercial is without the repetition or background piano sounds. I don't know how to explain it!
I'm fairly certain it is Comptine d'un autre ete by Yann Tiersen. I've e-mailed Bell Canada to find out though. I'd like to know as well. I have Comptine... on repeat right now. It's a beautiful piece.
OH MY GOSH!! You guys are just SOO bloody brilliant!! I actually put my RIGHT hand in the air and did one of those gretzky "YESs!!" moves..and SAID yes outloud!! OH MY GOSH.. if I was rich, i would each give you some money!

THANK you thak you thankyou!! :P yayy!

*does happy dance*
The commercial is a bell commercial showing someone (there are different versions of it) holding a picture and slowly zooming out, then you notice what your looking at is actually in another picutre frame. This happens about 5-8 times and i know it's not the yann tiersen, i also messaged bell and they haven't told me nothing. can someone please help me find this song? i will die if i don't find it and i've already spent 6+ hours looking
I recieved an e-mail from Bell Canada this morning.

Dear Mr. Bruce,

I have received your question regarding the new Bell Canada commercial entitled 'Frames'. We've had many comments and similar enquiries regarding the background music since this commercial began to air last Sunday, August 29.

The music is actually an original score created by a Toronto company called Pirate Radio and Television. The piece is untitled, and unfortunately it is not available for distribution and will not likely be re-used.

My apologies - This information is probably not what you were looking for.


Craig Jennings

Associate Director
Brand & Corporate Communications
Bell Canada

1000 de La Gauchetière - 36th Floor
Montréal, Québec H3B 4Y7

t: 514.870.2242
f: 514.870.1553
c: 514.609.9427

That means it isn't Yann Tiersen, although Comptine d'un autre ete is about as close to the piece as we are going to find, and they sound remarkably similar.

Mystery solved!
Maybe the composer was "inspired" by the Yann Tiersen piece.

Thanks for taking the time to contact the company, and for coming back here and letting everyone know. :peace:
My pleasure. I have been dying to find a resource for things like this for ages, and I am glad to share what I do find. Does that mean I get to make front page? :D

I have contacted Pirate as well regarding distribution.

Hi Owen, if we were the final on the "Frames" track, we would indeed have the track and score on file. It is, however, the property of the agency, and ultimately, Bell Canada. Pirate Radio & Television would not release this track, or the subsequent commercial, without their expressed authorization.

If you wish, you may speak to Bell regarding your request. It is the policy of Pirate, however, not to disclose information on our specific clients.

I know this isn't a huge help, but your request involves copywritten material. Bell Canada is a good place to start though. Good luck!

Sean Noble
Director, Sales & Marketing
Pirate Group of Companies
Dir: 416.594.4366
Fax: 416.360.1789 · Writing · Music · Casting · Sound Design · Voice Direction · Recording · Editing

sorry i havent been on for so long, i think you have all given me an answer and i greatly appreciate it. anyways, i thank-you very much this is probably the most useful thread so far
I contacted Bell for distribution, and this is the answer I got..

Hi Owen,

I've checked with our advertising legal counsel and they tell me it is not possible to distribute for personal use. Bell Canada does not actually own the music. We licensed its use for a 13 week period for this commercial only. Beyond that, use of the music has talent and residual implications which we did not plan for.

I hope you understand.

Thanks again for your enquiry.

Craig Jennings
Associate Director

Brand & Corporate Communications

Bell Canada

1000 de La Gauchetière - 36th Floor

Montréal, Québec H3B 4Y7

t: 514.870.2242

f: 514.870.1553

c: 514.609.9427

So I guess we'll never be able to play it/download it/own it. Sigh.
Does anyone know that song from Bell where you see someone holding a picture/image of someone who's holding an picture, and in THAT picture you see another person with a picture of some holding a pic etc.... so it zooms out so that you see that the person who is holding the picture, becomes the picture, so it keeps on zooming out and everything's an image. The song itself is just piano.
Reading from past topics it was a song that was composed just for that commercial, but a song that sounds extremley similar to it is from the Amelie Soundtrack
Comptine D'un Autre Ete by Yan Tiersen
OKay so I copied Newo's email from Owen..and wrote to Sean Noble at about releasing the track once Bell's lease is over..and this is what he had to say:

Greetings Karen,

Thank-you for your interest in the recent Bell commercial, entitled "Anthem". Craig Jennings at Bell is correct. This specific track was licenced for a 13 week broadcast cycle. After that time, it returns to the domain of the artist who wrote it.

So what does the artist plan to do with the track, you ask? Unfortunately, the piece was never intended to be made available to the public. Your request, however, will be forwarded to all appropriate parties, including the artist. You never know...the anthem for Warner Bros. "Friends" was never written for public release, until fans made some noise. You have my promise, that if it is ever released, we will be sure to contact all who have expressed interest.

Pirate specializes in:

Original Music
Voice & Sound Design For Television
Radio Production

Karen, thanks again for your interest in Pirate Radio & Television. The artists at Pirate appreciate your positive feedback.


Sean Noble
Director, Sales & Marketing
Pirate Group of Companies
Dir: 416.594.4366
Fax: 416.360.1789 · Writing · Music · Casting · Sound Design · Voice Direction · Recording · Editing

so.. for all of you that have contact Sean.. maybe we'll be lucky enough to get the track released? perhaps with all this talk about it.. it'll generate enough 'noise' for the artist to release it :P *lets hope*
Hallo all!!
Listen, I kind of like that song too. So how's this...

Next time the commercial plays, I'll learn it (I can do that by ear). Then, I'll write it using finale or something, and add one extra or two notes(this is so it's ARRANGED by me, so I don't get sued), so I can post it here, and all of you guys will be able to learn it that way, and I'll tell you which notes are the extra ones so you can take them out if you like.

If the people release, good, but it's not something I worry about...why listen to piano music when you can play it yourself? :P.