A Personal Thank You from Birdyman


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I would like to thank all the ADTunes members for their hard work and dedication over the past year. It was truly a remarkable year for the ADTunes community. Revenues may have increased dramatically, while margins could have posted their best showing ever. Both membership, and member productivity were probably up, demonstrating once again the ADTune community's commitment toward its goal.

Once again the ADTunes members likely stood out in their field, and may have been recognized as the best at what they do. Community posts probably continued to increase, and recent research has shown that that the number of posts are not expected to decrease anytime in the foreseeable future. Quality, as measured by the Birdyman "Random Set of Subjective Standards", still remains high. And, to cap off an extraordinary year, a recent survey of one member has indicated that questions related to the musical content of television, film and other popular media are expected to continue at their current pace.

I would like to extend my gratitude to the hard working members of this community, and thank them for letting me catch more zzz's than would have otherwise been possible without their help.


Birdyman, President (of his world) & FNG
Bonuses? Maybe I should restate those parts about dedication and commitment ... you should feel fortunate that we allow you to post here!
Maybe you should try stickin' it to the man ... the Birdyman!!!! (no sexual interpretations please)
I had to come out of hiding to acknowledge the Brit making innuendo.

Hi there, I'm Melissa. :naughty:
Ok, I'm back now. I had to go look up "innuendo" in the dictionary ... had to find the dictionary first ... then they used another unfamiliar word when defining "innuendo" ... damn! Man, English is such a hassle. I'm gonna see if I can't just communicate from here on using those little smiley face thingys.

:unsure: B) :huh: :o :o :rolleyes: :blink: ?

Reply with your answer.
:lol: okay...

I like this one...do try to keep it for more than two days... :)