
  1. C


    Any idea what the song is at 2:10: ? thanks
  2. S

    NPR Wait Wait... Don't Tell Me!

    I heard it on "Wait Wait Don't tell me" but I don't know the name. In the link below the music appears at the end. Thanks
  3. C

    NPR Marketplace

    This one is not listed on their site, it was broadcast yesterday the 11th of June. Cheers for the help
  4. G

    NPR National Public Radio

    For those of you that listen to NPR in the morning between 7:00am and 8:00am CST I have a question about a song they play over their sponsor acknowledgements. Sometime during that hour the station breaks to acknowledge the sponsorw for NPR and during the voice over there is a tune playing in...
  5. D

    NPR American Popular Song

    Hey everyone, this topic is a tough one. During the early 1980's NPR had a show called American Popular Song or Music or something like that. It had music from the 30s and 40s. If anyone has information on were to buy this set of music (it ran for something like 20 weeks) if it is on LP, CD, or...
  6. N

    NPR Morning Edition

    On July 16, 2007, on NPR's morning edition, there was a story about a Green Beret who was killed during his second deployment to Iraq. They closed the story with one of their musical "interludes" which was a song with the lyrics: "Somewhere, there's a little girl cryin', Somewhere...
  7. C

    NPR Fresh Air

    NPR has the sample[0] but they don't seem to know what it is. Any ideas? Thanks! [0].
  8. S

    NPR Road Trip Nation

    Does anyone else on here ever watch this? I hope so! During the interview with the guy, on todays episode, who climbed mtns (hey I just have it on in the background, gimme a break) and who the guys said both "inspired and intimidated" them, they played a piece I liked. It may have been actually...