Weather Channel

There was a song on weather channel's local on the 8s that I fell in love with. I heard it this morning between 9am and 10am central time. I checked their web site and I could not find it. Female vocalist singing about clouds and rain (imagine that). I was wondering if anyone has heard this song on the weather channel or knows the song/artist or some of the lyrics. Any help would be appreciated. THANKS!
Weather Channel/Tron Legacy OST/Daft Punk

I noticed last night that the Weather Channel is using the Daft Punk songs from the Tron Legacy soundtrack/score. I thought it was pretty interesting as when you think of the Weather Channel you would think they would have elevator type music as opposed to current events type music.
weather channel local forecast tune

looking for the name of a song heard on the weather channel the local weather forecast at 7:00 am on the morning of Friday ,May 25,2012