Random Dump Zone, part.. what? Kajillion?

Ba ha! Both :)

and it actually turned out with pure luck because the only part I had to paint the details in was in the beak and the dot for an eye. I do need a better scanner/camera though :(
Oh ok, yeah the low quality made me really confused, I could swear it was all paint. What is it for?
I could probably sneak next door to my grandma's and ask her if I can use her scanner though :shifty:
Damn, :angry: I have one of those bumps on the end of my tongue. WTF is that? It's like a swollen tastebud or something.
"Lie bumps" or "tongue ulcers" are caused by trauma (rubbing, scraping or biting) that removes the surface of the one of the fungiform papillae. The fungiform papillae are the normal little bumps on the tongue that people call "taste buds." Most people, when their tongue is irritated, can't seem to keep from rubbing it against the teeth to make it feel better (sort of like scratching an itch); however, this usually makes things worse. You might want to try using a protective over-the-counter medication such as OraBase or Zilactin. These materials act like a bandage and help to protect the ulcerated surface of the fungiform papilla.
:lol: :lol: We were a vampire clan brujah, born to sow the seeds of anarchy.
i remember a few years back that this guy from some small town near here wanted to change hello to heaven-o because hello contains the word hell.
it didn't catch on.