Last Good Movie You Saw

I didn't like the moooovie...didn't think it did justice to the book. I spent an entire 3 hour car ride explainin' it to the bf...he didn't understand nuffin, b/c he never read the books.
i saw only the first one and hated it so never saw another one...but my lil sis loves the movies. i am not normally a book vs movie guy but man did the first potter movie blow.

anyways, saw jarhead last night and it was good
:eek: Wha- why would you immediately go to that assumption?? :!@#$:

But you're right, you know. :)
Well I was gonna say they get to breathe lots of sarin-free air, but you're prolly right too.
I was never a big Reese Witterspoon fan but I have to say she looks good with brown hair.
:lol: :lol: :lol: ..... Haha! you guys KILL me literally after I heard about the time I when I was gonna die ......... :(