House Season 2

good i wasn't the only one lookign for this song, still trying to find it on the web but thanz for th einfo
This is the song that Dr house was playing when one of the board members came in and said that it woudl be easier to get rid of the two board members that house was friedns with then to get rid of Dr House.

This is was an older episode i dont remember the date.

there is another post about a song at the end of House but that one is not the song I am looking for. If anyone has any input please let me know.
I found it on the Oscar Peterson CD Night Train. Embarrasingly, I had it in my collection...I just hadnt listened to it in years. Its been a nice rediscovery. Good, well played, blues tinged jazz piano trio. ONe of those classic cds you are supposed to have if you get into jazz.....kind of reinforced why to me!
I found the House site on the web and on it there is a listing of the songs in various episodes up to the end of last season. You might check it out...there is also a synopsis of each episde...I remember the one you are referncing.
Btw, that was actually Hugh Laurie playing that piece. He's a practised pianist in real life.
Does anyone know that song that was played in hosue a couple weeks ago when House was in his office, on his chair playing the radio, and pretenfding to play the piano in tune to the song? It begins with like a keyboard intro, almost light technoish.
Originally posted by minitrini@May 6 2006, 07:32 PM
Thanks man. I've been hearing that song all over the place.
I just heard it today on a commercial for "Saved" :ok:
Is there anyone that can tell me what was the name of the instrumental jazz piece that was playing with House on the lying on thefloor of his apartment. There were albums laying around. They looked real old and the focus was on one that was titled " Live in Memphis" The show was about a black musician named Henry Giles who was in a wheel chair. Thank you!
The only music listed for that episode "DNR" with the guy Henry Giles I found was "What A Wonderful World" - Louis Armstrong
Might not be it since you said it was an instrumental.
Hey, u know, since the show was about this JAZZ musician who doesn't seem to actually exist (I've checked), maybe they felt that it was logical to throw in some jazz tunes but not necesarily anything from a real artist.
Just a thought.
:Ph :( That may be the case, but I want that instrumental song. I love it! How can I get it?