Heroes Season 1


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Has anyone who has a Regal Crown Club card gone to the movies lately and recieved a card to view the first episode of Heroes? They(iTunes) give you the first episode plus two other previews of the show. There's an 8 minute and 27 second preview on one of them and about 30 seconds into it they play this music that I really want to know who it is. Also about 2 minutes and 50 seconds until about 3 minutes and 20 seconds they play this music - if anyone knows who or where it is I would REALLY appreciate it, thanks!!

*They also play some type of instrumental music sporatically throughout the actual episode (especially the one they play about 50 minutes and about 10 seconds into it) that I would really like to know who it is! Please HELP!!! Thanks!
okay guys, now that you can watch Heroes on Yahoo before it airs I was wondering if anyone has seen the new episode? The music is awsome (refer back to my first post)! Anyone?
The acoustic tune halfway through is "Eyes" by Rogue Wave. I don't know if that helps but every little bit helps, yeah?
well, unfortunetly that's not the song I was talking about (although I forgot about that song and really liked it so I ended up buying it - thanks!). If anyone knows anything else please help! Thanks a lot!! :)
Yeah, I am interested in that too, both the chanting at the very beginning and the song playing while Hiro was running through the streets
ok, so i cant seem to find anyone else who is looking for this song, or anyone who has found it, but does anyone know the song that is playing at the end of the episode "Don't Look Back" when Peter hugs his brother after flying?

it would be GREATLY appreciated if someone could tell me :-D
What is the name of the song played when Hiro is running through New York...it's an Indian song....
Does anyone know who sang the version of "Om Shanti" at the end of tonight's episode? I know Madonna sings a version, but it definitly wasn't her.

Any help would be much appreciated!! :)
There was this song at least half way through the episode...male vocals. words that i remember: in your eyes (over and over)

anyone know what/who it is?
Originally posted by dypersing@Oct 17 2006, 06:23 PM
Does anyone know who does the score for "Heroes"? I absolutely love it!
I like the scored music a lot too, and was surprised to notice that the composers were a couple of musicians I was already fans of. The original music on Heroes is composed by Wendy Melvoin and Lisa Coleman, who are probably most famous for being part of Prince's backing band The Revolution back in the early 80's. They also released a couple albums still available on Amazon under the name Wendy and Lisa and composed music for the movie Dangerous Minds, and according to Wikipedia, the TV shows Carnivale and Crossing Jordan.
I am dying to know the name of the song that was played in the background when the two oriental guys started gambling in the NBC show "Heroes" this past Monday (16th)? The same music is used during one of the promos for CBS' "How I met your Mother".
Thanks for any and all help.