Best TV Show

Is there a best?

Some people are lost in "Lost", I watched three episodes.

Liked Season 1 Heroes; the writers strike messed that show up. It lost momentum and direction.

Liked Life, 24, Friends, BSG, Caprica, Hell's Kitchen, Sarah Conner, Fringe, Dexter, Weeds, V, The Mentalist, Castle, and others.

Sort of like Bones, CSI, House, Lie to me,

Didn't get into Lost, Arrested Development, South Park and others.

Can't stand: Ugly Betty, Prison Break (got stupid after three episodes), Law & Order, One Tree hill, Califorication, Big Brother, Survivor, Desperate Housewives, Greys Anatomy, ...

I could list lots more in each category, but why?

Each person decides for themselves what they like best. It's not for me to say what is best. I can only say what I like and hope that others agree.

Most of the time they don't; such is the case with the NBC show called LIFE.

LOVED THAT SHOW; liked the cast, the character development; writing etc., but it also suffered at the hands of the writers strike and lost momentum; and was not liked by enough people to keep it afloat.

Mos of my favorite shows bite the dust.