Adtunes Greatest Hits

You know what I find interesting? MacGyver could kill a man with glue and a pencil lead but not with poprocks and soda.
you think macgyver tried to teach god how to make people out of gum wrappers and lint, but gave up and taught him the easy's ribs?
leone: I pee on your hot towels!

dascoot: :lol: :lol: I've had some brownies and this ^ is the goddamn funniest thing in the world right now. :lol: :lol:

a_iver: You pee freely

leone: We're watchinf Ace ventura in spainsish! :lol: :lol;

dascoot: :lol: :lol: You spelled "spansh" like "spainsish!" Hahahah that looks like shish kebab!!

leone: :lol: @ shish kebob
i'm inpaired!! :leela:
So are special things. For they make all things funny.
Hold still ant knee!*writes soemthing with the magic pen on yer forhead* Teehee!
*claps hands* Oooh whadja write? *shines magic light*

Tee hee you're bad!
Originally posted by a_iver@Jan 1 2006, 03:01 AM
*smears it all over my face*
That's ok you got 6'4" worth of body space to rewrite it on.