X-Men 3 The Last Stand X3

The music you're looking for is "Rising Empire" by Immediate Music.

Now, if ANYONE could figure out what the music is that plays at the beginning of that same trailer, well, that'd be lovely.
The full version of Immediate Music - Rising Empire can be heard in a gameplay trailer for World of Warcraft available here:


There are no other sounds played during that portion of the video. The movie is over 400MB though so enjoy the download wait. :)

(The song starts at around 15 minutes in, at the start of the Chromaggus fight)

well anyway, f it. i can't believe that it's basically impossible to find thunder god as a stream online. i've been searching for a while now and no such luck.

and yes what about the rest of the music from the full length theatrical trailer?

thanks for all the stuff ppl have figure out so far though!!
I just saw the latest trailer for Xmen 3 on VH1, it has Rogue and her boyfriend arguing, Wolverine, and Storm. There is a song with a woman singing, but I can't make out the lyrics. It is a song I haven't heard on any of the other trailers. Can someone help me? Thanks!
There is a new promo for X-Men: The Last Stand which shows Logan searching for Jean in the woods. This is the one where he utters the lines: "I came here for Jean...I'm not leaving without her." The music might be from the film, but I'm not sure. It sounds oddly familiar, but I don't think it has been used in any previous trailer. Take a look/listen and see what you can find out.


If that doesn't work then try this site and choose promo #10.

Thanks in advance.
Any idea as to the music towards the climactic end of the trailer? It's pretty good... is it Immediate Music? Any ideas?