Without a Trace Season 2

I was just watching this 2 hours ago (today 10.25.04) on TNT... and man!!! as soon as i heard the song by the end of the episode, i wanted to know who's the artist/name of the song??? Please someone know :D Thanks

The lyrics are something like this... : "I woke up in the morning... and you weren't there... and find me gone..." You get the point :P
And btw... i don't think it's Jem (Finally Woken) the singer... couse i didn't hear that song on her album.

:) Hoping you can help me find a really neat song that was about 3-6 months ago on a "Without A Trace" TV show. If memory serves, the lead detective, played by actor Anthony Lapaglia, was shown walking and reflecting after a crime scene where someone had died. The song was a male singer singing something about a "Bad World" or "Sad World". I can write the notes--G-minor triad---G-G-B-flat Bflat D, D, E (C-major triad), then E, E, C, C, G, then the singer says, "Bad World". I could write the notes of the song, but dont know the lyrics. Thanks. Alison. All appreciated. I went on the website no luck.
Hi - did anyone happen to catch Without a Trace on Saturday night (9/24)...they played a great song in the very beginning...I think it was even before the opening credits. I don't have words and I don't really know how it went...they played it while they showed the family cruising on the boat...it was kind of festive, lively, but also intense, edgy...hoping someone caught the episode and knows!

Wow, you rock! Thanks!! The episode was "Bait" and the song is "The World Outside" by Heroes & Villians...cool, thanks!
Without a Trace Season 2 "Bait"

Hey, sorry for this, but I'm looking to find a song that was used in the season finale of Without a Trace a few years back. I understand if nobody can get the name/artist of the song I'm talking about, since it's been so long.

Anyways, in the episode the guy they were trying to find (not the one who vanished, but the guy who "took" him), and in the end he ended up jumping out the window of his apartment as him and Jack were talking and it showed him dead on the street below...and if I remember right they found the person in the trunk of some car, almost dead.

All I can remember lyrics-wise were the words "faces" and "races," but other than that I don't have much :(

If anyone knows, it'd be awesome, thanks :)
Thanks leone, that was the song.

And thanks greeneyes as well, great link.
does anyone know the name of the song and who it is by that was played at the end of the Wannabe episode it aired on July 14th it was an acoustic song it was a man singing some lyrics were "one day or another" thats all i caught
At the end of this episode "Wannabe" where the 12 year old boy gets tied up and abused by the girls and they take his picture.

At the end he is hanging himself what is the name of the song they play while he is choking?

Thank you, any clue would be greatly appreciated.
Is it "Fire Sign" by David Berkeley from "After the Wrecking Ships", Track 13 ??
