Wireless Laptop Comercial


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hey I'm new here, but I figured I might get help here. I'm looking for a song that was in this commercial. I know it was either Best Buy or Circut City, and it had a talking puppet. he was asking for a laptop to look at, and when the lady said that it was wireless he got all happy. the puppet then begain the run away Without wires... Thats when the song started. I think the lyrics go... ooohhh, i'm so free, my little flower girl.... My mom (shes old) said it might be a song by mama's and papa's. A little help here?
Good job, Fitz. You directed the person without getting your panties tangled up. :lol:
Well ya kinda gotta look at whether or not they're a noob or they have the info to run an ez search. ;)
Hey thanks for posting the information! I've been looking for this for a whole 24 Hours! So I guess I did not look hard enough. Hey I searched, but yesterday I thought it was a Dell commercial, so I was not sure... oh well. Hey the link you gave me givemfitz seemed inconclusive, I mean, Is there a way to get the commercial version? Just curious... I downloaded "Rain, Park, & Other Things" by Cowsills, and that sound very similar, Is that the closest I can get? Just wondering... By the way, my old mom hates your avatar... shes likes cats, thats why. peace out
His avatar is a "Cat Burgular" in which he caught ;)

Yeah, "Rain, Park, & Other Things" (a.k.a. I love The Flowergirl) is, I am pretty certain, the closest thing. Good song, though.
Ok, thats all I need, Thanks for the info, I will come back to bug you when I need to get another song from a commercial. Thanks... Indy.
Originally posted by daleimel@Aug 3 2004, 11:54 PM
Hey the link you gave me givemfitz seemed inconclusive, I mean, Is there a way to get the commercial version? Just curious... I downloaded "Rain, Park, & Other Things" by Cowsills, and that sound very similar, Is that the closest I can get? Just wondering... By the way, my old mom hates your avatar... shes likes cats, thats why. peace out
There's the maxl post on the page at the link you can look into. http://adtunes.com/forums/index.php?showto...=cowsills&st=15

And tell your mom I'm sorry about her feelings but I just don't get women and cats. :unsure: Cats are independent, they don't listen, they don't come in when you call, they like to stay out all night, and when they're home they like to be left alone and sleep. In other words, every quality that women hate in a man, they love in a cat. Go figure. :P