What's this song?

LOL dude that's the song that everyone's been goin apeshit about. Hold on, I'll get Meg to tell ya.
:lol: :lol: That's such a shitty version of that! This is a much better version. Also, please take a look at the *actual* music video, I can't seem to find the actual link. If you :usesearch: and type in "the funniest thing I've seen today", I believe the link is in there. You can also click this It's a Romanian song called "Dragostea Din Tei". Itunes has it if you're looking to download it. It's freaking hilarious!! :lol: :lol:
:lol: :lol: this fucking song! i've been accidently humming it past few days. there are spankings coming your way MJ!
Originally posted by cultclassic@Jan 31 2005, 08:28 PM
:lol: :lol: this fucking song! i've been accidently humming it past few days. there are spankings coming your way MJ!
Ooh, yay for MJ! lol :P
Originally posted by cultclassic@Jan 31 2005, 11:28 PM
:lol: :lol: this fucking song! i've been accidently humming it past few days. there are spankings coming your way MJ!
Whooooooooo!!!! Yes please! :lol:

(As an aside, I was looking at my post from last night, um could you TELL I had been drinking !?!??! I said go look for the link to the video, and then I posted it anyway! I have problems... :lol: )
This is a romanian song called "DRAGOSTEA DIN TEI" it's by Haiducii or Ozone. Either way, it's not hard to find.

P.S. The chubby guy kicks ass.
hey there, couldnt really figure out where to put this...as its not really from an ad...but what's that one techno song....it's sort of old (maybe 2 years) and i believe it's romanian...it goes sometihng like

"IIIIII EEEE EEEE, IIIII EEEE IIIII....MAIIIII EEEE HEAAAAAART" that was just a wild guess at the words. then at the one part it goes completely slow, then the guy says one word at a time....but...damn its realy driving me nuts...can anyone help me?

well i got it...it was DRAGOSTEA DIN TEI - Haiducii...good song!!