What the World needs now

:lol: No idea. Yeah I saw that question in the other forum, and sorry but no freakin way are those boys old enough to attend any proms. Dude on the left looks about 8. :lol: :lol:
The best part is when Carlos smacks Garrett on the ass and Garrett gets all flustered for a second. :wub:

edit cause I'm used to spelling it Garret's way
:lol: :lol: Looks like he rily didn't want to take off his shirt. Carlos was waaay into it! :lol: :lol:
!!!?What song is that???Is that a real song??I wanna know what it is!!
Damnit! That's not even available to listen to on Rhapsody. *pouts* I really like that little geetar thinger he played. I want a guy that can play the geetar. Nvrmind, I'll just learn meself.
It's super easy, and that's mainly just finger picking. Once you get the rhythm of it it's all muscle memory.
*kidnaps Melissa for private geetar tutorial* You'll be back tomorrow, okay?
:lol: :lol: :lol: I'm picturing one black lab and one Jack Russell stampeding like gangbusters up the street with a cat waving like a flag at the end of their leashes.
My cat doesn't put up with that hyperactive bullshit. He'll smack them down. He's ....uh, h4xor3d. How you do that? Where's Garret when I really need him? <_<
I taught my self how to play the geetar within two months. I just learned by using the keys from the piano then went from there... :)