What is this song called and who sings it?


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These are the lyrics to it:
"Do you rememebr the good old times, when a silver dollar only cost a dime. Junior Rockafella thre his money out...(something, something) he loved ya, he loved ya alright, I wish those were the goold old days again. Do you rememeber the goold old days, when a silver dollar paid."
Its a pretty short song and it sounds abit older.
Thanks so much.
Maybe you should try posting a comment on the video asking if they know who does the song. I have no clue. :blink:
Well, it's apparently a new song called "When a Silver Dollar Only Cost a Dime." I found it by googling "Phantom Planet" and "JD Rockefeller," which led me to the band's blog: http://blog.sonymusic.com/phantomplanet/.

There is also another song/clip on there called "The Blog Song," so my guess is the "new songs" aren't meant to be taken seriously.
It's not a Phantom Planet song. That's not Alex's voice so he's not lip syncing to his own song. I think it's a genuine old song. I tried looking for when a Silver Dollar cost a dime and nothing comes up that I'm looking for, song wise.
It's my my mistake. I watched the video again and it is Alex's voice singing, so I was completly wrong. Thanks for helping me out with my inqury anyway.