what are you thinking right now?

I dont hate you guys.

"Don't get me wrong, I looooove the ladies but they don't belong in the news room!" - Brian Fantana.

That came into my head.
:lol: so embarassing...you can just see her face saying "omg......"
I'm thinking that Lewis Black is one funny sumbitch.

"The wind gets louder and louder, the house shakes, then it gets quiet and calm. So you think everything's ok, open the door and SHIT'S flying by. Dogs and cats and appliances.. my friends.." :lol:
"If you got a million five, you'd be glad to see Simba at work!"

I love: "I know what the next season is: LOCUSTS!" :lol: :lol:
Originally posted by dascoot@Sep 13 2005, 04:00 PM
I'm thinking that Lewis Black is one funny sumbitch.

"The wind gets louder and louder, the house shakes, then it gets quiet and calm. So you think everything's ok, open the door and SHIT'S flying by. Dogs and cats and appliances.. my friends.." :lol:
Lewis Black is genius.
:lol: so what, i think aunt kneeknee is actually something someone might say...but who says hello to an ant? huh? who does that!!!!