What are you listening to right now?

You watched that Evoultion thing again didn't you? :lol: Stoopid Vanilla. <_<

Radiohead - Pyramid Song
:lol: Yeah, I went on a downloading frenzy afterwards too. Hahah thinking of Vanilla Ice reminds me of that part in Friends "That fake British lady's a real bitch but she sure can dance!!" :lol: :lol:
Is It Any Wonder - Keane :wub: :wub: When they come to town again I'm going!
I've had my fill of that song now

It's on to Keane - Everybody's Changing (Rolling Stone Original)
listening to: Morcheeba - What New York Couples Fight About

smelling: my dog's wicked rank puppy gas
Ever listen to his first album, Harmful if Swallowed? I like it better than the second one by a little bit. They both kick a multitude of asses though.